The Industry Advocate

Article by: Tim

SA Regional Solar supports The Industry Advocate’s South Australian Product Register initiative.

The role this organisation plays is important and long overdue. The red tape and paperwork that can bog-down and make life hard for small business is a major hurdle to profitability.

The Office of the Industry Advocate’s role, in their words, “is to make it easier for local businesses to tender for government contracts and work with business and Industry Associations to increase the number of companies that meet government tender requirements.”

The Industy Advocate’s Objectives

  • “Build the capacity of businesses in the State to successfully tender for Government contracts”
  • “Recommend changes to policy and practices that remove impediments to industry participation”
  • “Initiate procurement reforms that provide greater economic benefit to the State and businesses”
  • “Industry growth and diversification”.


“South Australia’s economy is driven by small businesses, with over 90% being in the SME category, and a large number of those wanting to tap into State government contracts. The government recognised this, and established the Industry Advocate to support the thriving small business sector in the State to achieve a greater share of government contracts.”

“In doing so, the government acknowledged the need for improved communication between government purchasers and potential providers, active collaboration between businesses – and indeed – industries, review of current systems and removal of process barriers. For example, pre-qualification systems can streamline tendering overall, but businesses that are not pre-qualified will often find that they cannot bid for Government work.”

For more information please see their website.

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